Thursday, December 11, 2008

Knitting prevents stress, depression, pain and dementia

As knitters we tend to believe this but until now it has only been a claim. At the moment it is being further investigated and scientists are about to show us that it is not just the actual occupation that causes the positive effect.

Yesterday I read a small paragraph in the local university newspaper. It shortly introduced a research project about the therapeutic benefits of knitting and other needlework, which is currently up and running. A bit of googling lead me to other articles about this exciting project. Anecdotal evidence has been collected since 2005 by ex senior physiotherapist Betsan Corkhill, who launched the project together with scientists from various universities. One of the claims is that knitting activates the same areas in the brain as meditation because of the rhythmic repetitive movements. These kinds of movements has shown to prevent pain and depression.

Apparently, knitting also leads to improved communication. Personally I reckon that as a fact due to my experiences from the different knitting groups I participate in now and then. Another interesting view on the benefits of knitting is the effect of color and texture, which Corkhill counts as important influences on our lives. People who suffer from depression is said to live in a world of gray. So bring on the colors and stave off depression!

For further reading check out these articles. Betsan Corkhill also created the site stitchlinks and she has a blog too.

Happy knitting!


Karin aka Guin said...

I shall keep knitting then! :)

Wendolene said...

I knew we were on to a good thing...thanks for sharing those resources!


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